Thursday, July 10, 2008

Aaaaaaaaaaarggggh taeeeeeeeeeee....
I did the exam of engineering geology...I have studied for it seriously...I studied even with Cynthia...we spent hours discussed about it...Actually I'm pretty sure to pass this exam..
After last year so so not in the mood phase...I mean studying engineering subject very very hard...
If you dont have very very big motivation and determination for your study well its like climbing the slippery slope....
For the exam I was so disappointed with prof,
First we did the written test and who passed the test can take the oral. time...oral exam. When the other students did they turn he asked them several questions and if they are wrong he will change the topics, so nicee...!!!
But when my turn and it was the 2 from the last one, because I came late to the class in the morning, he simply asked me one F question and that was not a normal question...he showed me a picture from a book which for sure I convinced myself that I never seen it before!! Actually I managed to answer several questions related with the picture...but he didnt seem satisfied with my answer. When I asked him for another topics he just didnt want to...So he asked me to do the exam again caxxoo....
He said I dont have to take again the written only the oral...well for me is not enough I feel I got treated not fair by him,,,I heard the last student who did the exam also failed to pass the oral, he said the prof was tired so he told him to take again the exam...heeeeeee??


Anonymous said...

poor baby..jangan sedih ya..kamu pasti bisa kok..nyebelin tuh prof ya..

CynThinks said...

Sabar mas............ besok2 jangan telat deh, kalo bisa urutan pertama aja.