Thursday, May 29, 2008
Naaaaaaaah, kemaren ada kejadian seru di flat..flatmate gw Ale n Yasser pada berantem tem tem..
Hehe...I mean ga enak jg siiih sebenernya...Kejadiannya simple sebenernya n cerita lama. Semua gara2 sampah gt. Udah 2 minggu sampah ga ada yg buang!!! mana pk ditaroo di balkon lg...!!! ck2...pada komplain semua org2 depan flat. Gimana ga, pemandangan flat yg bagus2 karena ibu2 tua yg naro bunga di balkon rusak gara2 flat gw yg beda sendiri...isinya thrash bag boow...wakakkak
Pertama sih Yasser masukin ke ruang makan, trus pas gw pulang gw tanya ke dia kok ada thrash bag di situ, dia bilang di komplain ama ibu2 depan kamarnya....
Okay abis itu flashback dulu, sebelumnya gw sama ale udah bersihin dapur ama ruang makan 2 minggu lalu, mestinya sih Yasser hrs bersihin bathroom, tp ga tau knp dia ga bersih2an jg. Gw udh bilang ama dia tp dia bilang dia udh sering bersihin jd ga mau deh diaa. Laaaah kok gt???
Ga dia jg siih Ale jg orgnya amppuuuuun deh ga teratur n ga bersih...abis makan jarang di cuci piring, kadang tempat masak pasta yg segede gaban di bawa ke kamarnya...bingunglah gw nyariin buat masak,, mana pk dikonci lg kmarnya and dia pergi. Trus pernah dia make piso dapur ampe tiga biji dibawa masuk kamar!!! sadiss jg tuuuh org ga pernah mikirin org kyknya. Pokoknya IMO dia paling ancur deeeh diantara kita bertiga. Klo gw??!! hmm, rajiin dong...hahaha ga jg kadang sering lp nyuci piring abis biasa kl yaaa??
Balik lg ke kejadiannya, Ale ngadu ke gw, Yasser musti bersihin bathroom...dia minta tolong temenin dia pas ngomong ke Yasser. Hahahaa minta beking yaaa?? ok2, dia ngerasa kl banyak salah jg ahahahah...trus ya udah akhirnya gw turun tangan deh,,,heheh kyk bos aja gw...
Gw ngomong ke Yasser (tuk yg ke 2 kali) dia harus bersihin bathroom soalnya Ale ngadu ke gw n he's got the point kita udah bersihin bagian laennya. Ehh Yasser malah bilang it's not my turn..i don't want to clean it!!! Haaaa??!! abis itu Ale langsung nyelak dia bilang kita udah bersihin semua tinggal dia bersihin bathroom. Tp Yasser tetep aja ga mau, ya udah deh mulaaai perang mulut...akhirnya Yasser kesel langsung nutup pintu kamar dia braaakkkk....Ale jg panas niih...dia ambil aer trus disiram ke pintu kamar Yasser crooot....croottt...croottttt.....abis itu dia ambil sampah di ruang makan....sambil ngeluarin semua kata2 sampah,,dia lempar deh thrash bag ke kamar ngeliatnya langsung kagettt...haaaaaaa....gilaaaa jg nih bocah!!! Abis itu dia mencak2 n ke dapur ambil tempat masak nasi nya Yasser trus dibuang ke balkon...!!!! Masih panaas dia sambil marah2 bolak balik gedor2 kamarnya Yasser....well gw diem aja...mang tu org bedua udh kagak akur dari lamaa...Figli di puttanaaaaaaa ...kt Ale ke Yasser...... go back to your country,,,!!!! waduh2 gw denger nya antara kaget, serem and mo ketawa jg....sinting jg gw!!! mana dia ngomong kenceng bgt lg teriak2 gt..keluar semua tetangga!
Ya udah deh, gw bilang ke Ale ntar gw coba ngomong lg ke Yasser spy dia bersihin bathroomnya..ale bilang I hate him so much, I'll kill him,,I'll kill him!!! Waaaaaaaaaa..makin seru nih, I mean serem jg boww...ya udh mending gw langsung masukin semua piso ke lemari biar jaga2 drpd pada tusuk2an ntar....bisa2 nyate gw disiniii....hahahahh..
Gw sebenernya prihatin jg gimana gw orgnya serba salah, susah gw buat ngepush orang...I mean, gw sih bisa aja belain salah satu and yg pasti gw jd penentu nantinya...2 lawan 1 mau ga mau hrs nurut yg minoritas...abis itu tinggal bilang ke landlord...out deh tuuh ga dia kelemahan gw. Gw ngerti sih kadang mereka kyk nuntut gw in charge gt di flat mungkin mereka pikir gw netral. Tp gw orgnya jg maleesss...hahahah, maksud gw ga bs konsisten...pikiran gw kemana2 ga bisa fokus ama satu masalah doang.
Gw serba di tengah jg, dr segala segi...umur...kamar...judgement...pusssiiiiiing jg gw...mana dua2nya baek lg ama gw.....mending gw aja kl yg cabut yaaa??tp tiap kl gw pergi keluar pasti salah satu ikut pergi jg...hmm klo gw pindah flat lg bisa2 kosong jg nih bingung mo pindah kemana lg ???!!
Sudah laaah...tohh gw jg bayar disini...paling ntar klo ada apa2 lg gw bilang ama mister Pini ( yg punya) At the moment everything quite here. Ale pergi ga pulang2 kemana tauu...Yasser makin aneh deh...nongkrong di kamar mulu nonton pilem2 jadul...ya udh gpp yg penting gw bisa tenang...sepoi..sepoii...ngantuk jg niiih..mending gw mimpiin cew kl heheheheee
Labels: My story
Monday, May 26, 2008
This is one of the craziest thing I ever imagined. I readed an article on a website made by a brazilian professor, he made a statement the lost continent that everyone and scientist particularly searching for, Atlantis, has been found. He stated it is Indonesia as Atlantis!!!
Hmm...what's on earth he can say like that ???!!! To make his theory more convincing, he made several articles on his website about Atlantis. He inserted facts from his research and study on Atlantis for over than 30 years.
Let we look at the past where the idea of Atlantis arise. It happened when the Greek philosopher Plato mentioned it in his written dialogues Timaeus between his teacher Socrates and his disciples. They mentioned about Atlantis,
"Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent."
"Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia. This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind. She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars."
"But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. For which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island."
1. Atlantis located beyond the Pillar of Heracles
2. Atlantis bigger than Asia Minor and Libya put together
3. There is a harbour and ship can travel pass the island to another sea
4. After the earthquakes and floods it sunk in the ocean
But wait, there is also some facts about Atlantis written by Plato in his recorded dialogues Critias but mostly it contained more detail facts about Atlantis. I mean I dont want to write all of the detail of it. Let's just read from what Prof. Arysio Nunes dos Santos inserted in his website at
OMG those are sooo much words, I was pushing like hell to read it!!!

Ok2...seriously....the most important thing is about the location of Atlantis itself. Many people thought it must be on Atlantic Ocean and beyond the strait of Gibraltar and it size must be bigger than Turkey and Libya. So many people tried to search a sunken continent on the Atlantic ocean and they couldn't find it. When they checked the bathimetry of Atlantic ocean, is it not possible and there no sign of existence of a sunken island beneath on the Atlantic ocean. The Atlantic ocean only consist ridge along north and south which separating North and South America continent with Europe and Africa continent. After this possibility of location if Atlantic ocean seemed not true, there were many other proposed location came out by scientist such as in Carribbean Islands, Greenland, Antartica and Indonesia
For Indonesia actually is quite strange, how come it could be the site of Atlantis since it's not on the Atlantic ocean. Prof. dos Santos claimed that the ocean that ancient Greek called Atlantic ocean was all of the ocean which encircled the earth, so it's different from what the Atlantic ocean we knows today. He stated that along time ago there is only one big ocean and it called Atlantic ocean, but after the event of continent separation long..long time ago it created many smaller oceans due to the continents displacement.
Well, so it means Indonesia could be another possibility of Atlantis. It make sense, and after that Prof. dos Santos gave another criteria based on the Critias dialogues as he wrote in his articles. I remember when I was in school learned that Indonesia located on two continental shelf which is Sunda shelf it strecth along the south of Asian continent from south Thailand, Malaysia, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Java and Sulawesi) and Sahul shelf (Papua, Australia) The sea on Sunda shelf is very shallow it less than 100 meters depth. The scientists stated after the end of ice age in Pleistocene era the sea level raises 100-150 meters. So along time ago there was a large land connected those area of Sunda shelf and after the end of Pleistocene it becomes below the sea level.

Another criteria he added is the volcanoes area. Indonesia is known as belt of fire region because there are so many volcanoes mountains which still active and known as the most active volcanic region in the world. It makes chain of volcanic mountains from Sumatera-Java-Bali-Lombok-Nusa Tenggara islands. He claimed also that the Pillar of Hercules which the Greek foretold was located between Java and Sumatera or Sunda strait. Because of a very big volcano eruption of Mt. Krakatau which separated Java and Sumatera happened along time ago and followed by floods(tsunami) and then this opened the Atlantis continent and can be the caused of the end of Pleistocene era and the event when Atlantis sunk beneath the ocean!

Ok, despite the truthness of the theory of Indonesian as Atlantis. Indonesia is a very unique country. It's a nation consists thousands of islands known as Jamrud Kathulistiwa , because when you see the world map it located in equator and very2 eye catching with the shape of the islands. Indonesia has so many natural resources, the nature is very beautiful, the people very friendly, rich of cultural heritage, the wide size of the land, the population number. So this country has a lot of potential to become a great country, it's the duty of all of the citizen to make it happen. Poverty, corruption, weak law still the main issues in Indonesia. I hope Indonesia will be better in the future and become the "new Atlantis"
Labels: Study
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Yesterday I had an appointment at Questura(Police station) to make photo and fingerprint. Finally, after I waited more than one year since I submitted my renewal application for permesso di soggiorno. Actually it was not that long for the appointment. They gave me an appointent last year at July, but because I already come back to my country I couldn't make it. So after that I must wait for another appointment.
At the day, I checked my documents which I should give to them. All of them were ready, but one document missing. My insurance card from ASL. Actually I had an insurance card to go to the doctor in case I'm sick. I made the card one year ago, but because I never used it, I never checked it, and bad luck! is expired :(
I have to cancel the appointment...shit, after all, I'm worry about my permesso...I don't want to wait again for it...without it I can't go outside Italy. I don't want stuck in this country...I really want to go to another place in Europe this summer.
Because of the insurance card I decided I must make a new one. So I went to ASL office near Questura. I entered the building...many people inside from child, teen, middle age and old. I must take the number and wait untill my turn to go the counter. While waiting for my turn I saw the list of doctor who lived near my flat. The list is on the wall, I saw it and chose 3 doctors near my flat. After that I saw the display board...okay it was almost my turn. But after that I feel something wrong...from the 4 counters display I saw my number was never displayed. Hehhh??!! they jumped my number ???!! ooh shit, or maybe I didn't noticed it before while I saw the list of the doctor. Well, so I decided to take another number and to wait again. I watched my surrounding, the people come and go, why there were so many people go this building?? Are all of them sick?? Hmmm...I feel lucky I never sick here in Italy..I mean not like a serious illness, I just had flu sometimes and it didnìt need to visit the doctor. I saw the weather was rainy, it happened along the week. I saw a kid come near me, watched at me and smile...what do you want kiddo? what did you think of me??!! I thought maybe he would like to play with me...hehehe not today maybe, I must take care my insurance card and hopefully can go to questura even it was already late. But wait, I saw my friend Gianfranco sat and waited for his turn..well I didn't know his presence before. So I came to him and spoke to him. He was sick, got allergy for the he would like to go the doctor..but because his card expired he must make a new one. After that I saw the display number, not long for my turn.
But for a second time I shocked, wth with my number?,it never appeared...oh shiit not again I missed my number...Gianfranco asked my number and he thought the same thing, and after that when his turn come...hmm...I said, no I dont want to wait again!!! So I came to the counter of Gianfranco and said to him, I need to make another card, I can't wait anymore. He understood and told the counter person about it also he helped me to explain about the information. It seemed there is a new rule to make the new card. The person told me to wait she must asked this matter to her superior and she said she'll contact me if she has news about it. Well shittt, I must wait again..but I hope I can have my permesso before the summer holiday.
Labels: My story
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Along this week I didn't do too much activities. Like as usual go to university which is still the same, the students, class room, prof a lil' bit boring from day to day..hehehh. In the afternoon I always went out to the lake..very boring in the flat. Sometimes I went out alone with my bike, riding and riding see the people feel the sunshine, the summer air hot hot and hot. It's good for my skin, recently it getting more2 white...not really white actually more like very very light brown. Now i'm looklike a chinese hehehhe. The other time I went out with my friends for jogging...been a long time I didn't jogging...well I don't really need to do it actually. My weight not really over the limit, lack of fat actually hehhheh...anyway I just go jogging with my friends. It good really, I mean very good to be honest...make you relax, have fun with jokes along the road. But we need to improve the quality of it. We're starting running, but after 10 minutes or less we stopped and the ran again..not very long stopped again...looking left or right saw the view of the lake..girls boys etc unimportant again...not in constant period. Gosh !!! what a bunch of amateur...not serious...full of craps.....hehehehhh (maybe it was what the people thinking of us). However, better than nothing, we had an exercise!!!
On the way home I stopped by to several ice cream stores, asking wheter they're looking for a man for part time job in summer..basicly the answers are the same...leave your number and we'll contact you if we need you...! hehhehh what a promise...suuuuuuuuuucckss !!! this city not really a good place for finding a job!! Also before, I tried to ask a part time job to McDonalds...they gave me a form to fill in and ask me for my CV...they said they'll contact me if they need a person for a job...but till now nothing happened..just bullshit!!!
My friend from university said, yes2 it's very hard for foreign student finding a job..even part time job..because even the Italian people also hard to finding a job least I tried. It's better to concentrate with the course at university..
Well, to be honest right now I'm not feeling really like to study of my subject...I don't know why..I'm losing my interest...and then my motivation...I mean still have the responsible to study but at the moment I feel boring with all of this...ooh I hope this just temporary...I cannot afford to abandon my study here...I mean I don't know any other alternative to do....well not really actually. For the past few days I liked to read about history and politics...hehehhh very strange right?? Maybe because I often saw the news of the election in states...rivalry between Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton... well I must admitt it's very interesting to see their campaign through many states in US. Interesting fact is Barrack Obama spend his childhood several years in Jakarta...studied in one of elementary school in Menteng...hehehhh how come?? I just followed my curiosity reading his profile and then another candidate profile and then become interesting in politics hehehee...well I know it's not a strong reason to study politic though.
Anyway I was thinking what if I become a politician, am I good enough?? Do I have passion in it??I mean I dont have any background in politic before...maybe one thing, I liked to read newspapers when I was I child...reading the news..but if I remember the first page I read about sport not politic hahahaaa...
Politic is very confusing, some people said it's dirty, full of manipulation and intrics...but, haven't we all ? we did it in our life??..not only in politics....economy, law, artist, etc ...what a crazy world we livin' in......better be an ordinary person...have a family....decent job, well paid...have happily...died in peace go to hell upps I mean heaven hehhehehhh what a everyone's dream.
ps: my flatmate said better go to hell than heaven...heaven is boring!!! he said, there is no club,party,alkohol,bitches,etc that make you happy ehehhehe....what a crazy guy, definitely a hell citizen later hahahahahahhaaa....
Labels: My story
Sunday, May 04, 2008
I'm happy today!!! Milan beat Inter 2-1 in derby della Madoninna at San Siro Milano. Inzaghi brought Milan lead 1-0 and then Kakà doubled it..after that Inter scored by Cruz from free kick. Like always the tension for this derby always always high. Especially this time where Milan must win to keep their chance on for playing in Champions League next year. What a bad year from Milan after they won CL last year beating Liverpool and then win the Toyota and International Cup. I think this squad need and change the striker for example..they need another player like Sheva for sure, although came Pato which gave a hope..still not enough.
For Inter, well...another win for sure will make them getting close to scudetto..with Roma on their tail with deficit 6 points before this match. I have respect for Inter actually..I know after the last three years they can manage to build a strong team! But I'm a fans of AC Milan no matter this derby I support my team..and finally they won!! thumbs up for Milan...FORZA MILAN!!!!
Labels: Sport