Saturday, March 22, 2008
PHISHING SUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: My story
Monday, March 10, 2008
One thing new in MotoGP 2008 season, it started at Qatar and it turned to be a night race!
I mean, well it's really something new in MotoGP. Before I'd rather skeptical about night race.
We all know this is a sport where speed is the main factor,so vision is very vital for the racer.
Just one blink of your eyes can make a difference between life and death.
I remember back then, when I was in high school. One night I went hanging out to a cafe in Taman Ria with my friends.
I felt very tired that night..I believed it was a hard day, actually I'm forget what I had done before night. I drank alcohol..not too much though. And after we finished and wanna come back,
my friend warned me, because he knew me that I'm tired and a little drunk, not to drive.
But I insisted I wanna to come back home! So I drove that night alone to my home...and to make thing even worse...the rain start falling...ouchh. I felt very tired that time to drive my. I knew I should listen to my friend advice.
But, I cannot I turned up the radio sound very hard...try not to sleep while driving. At first It seemed useful enough. After about 15 minutes, I watched the road was very empty, it was 5 am I was cold and I drove like without anything to care. I mean the toll road empty, I run my car stable around 60 km/hour...there were no traffic sound...the only sound I heard was the rainfall...and not even I did braking. This situation just hypnotize me to the thing that I never want to dream about was happened...I slept while driving!
It wasn't long time I closed my eyes...and I awoke again...try to hold my consciousness...and I started to close my eyes again a few seconds...I awoke again...slept happened several times until suddenly...haha.................... worst part was......shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...YES I hit a car in front of me. Oucchh...uppsss... it took 5 seconds for me too realised until I turned the wheel driver and made my car released from the butt of that poor car!!!
So based on my experienced, I know the vision of the driver and the surrounding area where you see while you are driving are very important. I mean we're talking here about a motor race with average speed around 167 km/hour rolling in the night!If we're thinking from another............
anyway to be continued...I feel sleepy now!!!
Labels: My story
Sunday, March 09, 2008
I went out with my friends from university. This was really the last weekend before we start the new semester. We decided to have aperitivo, so we walked to the city center to a bar.
We were 7 person in total...3 boys and 4 girls. To make it short, we just entered and ordered drink.
Because it was all about, sit and drink. I ordered a drink called Sangria, just wanna try it.
It's wine based drink added by fruit ..the color is maroon, a very2 dark maroon and the taste...well not really sweet but I liked the fruit anyway.
After 2 hours, we went to another bar near lago di Como. We chose to sit outside since the weather was not really cold, it was already entering the spring. I sat in the sofa, watch the clear sky and the view of lago, then I lighted my smoke. We weren't really talked too much..just enjoying the time.
Once again I ordered a drink, this time I tried the martini..Davidoff Martini exactly the name.
It a simple martini but they put one single home-maded cigarette on the edge of the glass...pretty cool huhh!
Labels: My story
Monday, March 03, 2008
I watched these movies: First of all No Country for Old Men, the year 2008 4 Oscar winner movie for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay. Based on story of a failure in a drug deal..someone by incidentally take all the cash left by the two group which is in conflict..then all story go for chasing the money by a hitman involving local sheriff..
Then I watched American Gangster, the name tell everything...about gangster crime, heroin business, cop, american thing is different from other gangster movie is the organization run by an afro-american family instead a typically Italian mafia.The last one was Bourne Supremacy..also Oscar winner for Best Editing, Best Sound Mixing, and Best Sound Fx Editing. Wowww..if I can describe about this moved very fast...the fight...the chasing part... I love the scene when Jason Bourne must save his partner by pursued the other agent who'll try to kill his friend in a narrow settlement...where they must jump roof by roof and entering houses where it's like labyrinth...the way the camera shooting for this scene will make you very confuse... I remember playing games similar to this situation...I think Max Payne, Splinter Cell, not to forget Counter Strike... above all of this movie is full of action stuff...just breathtaking!!!
So what is the interesting to watch all of these movies?? Nothing..I think ;P....
One thing maybe..killing seemed as easy as you flip your palm...
Just don't try to kill somebody later...
Labels: Film
Sunday, March 02, 2008
If I want to describe my life lately, everything aren't going very well...
One day I woke up late, I needed to catch the train to Milan to take my I just jumped to my bike and rode to the station. Just I few meter when I want to pass the railway..suddenly the long rail gate was moving down and blocked my way.
So that's how my life right now...being delayed, in many things...f*cked up as my flatmate said once... ;P
- I haven't take the scholarship yet...must wait another week... :(
- I haven't take 2 exams because .... oohh I don't want to talk about exam sucks
- I haven't received the router which I'm being promised last week to receive it
- I haven't received the memory I bought from ebay yet..
- I haven't watch all the movies which I already downloaded...however this isn't really bad !!
Labels: My story
Okay this sound like another boring story about me. I mean, I just thinking about myself, me...yes sir!!! myself??!!!
At the moment, I try to remember about myself...the things I've done in the past...the way I dealed with behaviour keep changing from time to time
If I want to try to describe myself...hmm...let me say that one thing just crossed my mind....I'm thinking of a person who has so many curiosities...who wants to know a lot of things....who wants to learn anything he desired or attracted to. This just like two sides of can be useful if you can handle everything, I mean to manage everything in balance. The important thing which can be a problem is time. You'll have to let your time taken for something that you never plan before which is it just happen spontaneously.
I don't know why this can happen, maybe from my personality. To make everything easier to understand, it's like to have a side race apart from the main one. So, instead I focus on the main race, my energy and attention flow to another race beside it..but still hold for the main one.
I mean in reality it's like when I did one job/task for example ,maybe college, I have another thing which attracted my attention which I must share my time and sometimes make me lack of time.
To be good, it can make me to become a more colourful person. I know many things...I have more knowledge and experience. But sometimes it makes me not focus on my objective. My mind is wondering everywhere, spread to many sides like throwing water baloon to the wall. It hard for me to pull it back, to gather all of the information I had, eventhough I realized most of it is useful..I have hard time to process it for my benefit. It's like I try to collect every pieces of puzzle and to arrange it to make it a picture. It takes time though for sure..a lot of...and obviously time is always againts me.
I need to control myself...focus on my relax....I wish this can be as easy as I write now...
Labels: My story